Crowe Hill is a small rural church between Ringwood and Burley.

We hold  contemporary and traditional services which are open to any one wishing to attend as well as weekday services for healing and renewal.

The Church is used regularly for day retreats. The premises have disabled facilities including a ramp and toilet.

We are part of the Christchurch and Wimborne Methodist Circuit and an active member of Churches Together in Ringwood and District.  

The Methodist society at Crowe was founded in 1833 and the original members met under the ‘Great Oak of Crowe’.

The present church was built around 1890 replacing an earlier one built in the mid 1830’s.

A former member writes: “It is difficult to put one’s finger on the reasons why one’s day of worship at Crowe Hill remains so vivid in one’s memory. There is no doubt that its simplicity of decor and beautiful location add to its charm. No other place of worship has felt so natural to me. The family atmosphere and companionship of all ages has given me a firm foundation on which to base my relationships with others in adult life. It is remarkable that over the years various people from all walks of life have emerged to take over leadership within the church and give continuity to its fellowship. It is in this way that the church at Crowe Hill remains a constant example of Christian belief put into everyday practice.”